By Rémi Pialat, VE Volunteer and Development Intern, January 2013 To read the English version, scroll down. Ameline, Elsa, et Rémi, trois français en quête d’aventure, ont choisi il y a déjà presque un an pour destination l’Amérique du sud afin de vivre une aventure humaine, sociale, dépaysante, et professionnelle. Ils sont tous les trois […]
VE Volunteer Stories
Pumpkins, Soldiers and a Princess: Halloween at Anakena

By Violeta Parilli, VE Volunteer, September 2012 Este mes en VE Global nos hemos estado preparando para nuestro Festival de Arte que tendrá como tema Halloween, o como aprendimos hace poco, Día de Todos los Santos o Muertos. La mayoría de las personas piensan que Halloween es una festividad americana, sin embargo en los países […]
Anakena, Festival de ArteLa Sonrisa
By Sanya Bischoff VE Volunteer from Frankfurt, Germany Read the original post in German, or click here for the English translation. Wenn ich einen Arbeitstag mit nur einem Wort beschreiben wollte würde ich „kunterbunt“ sagen, denn man wird immer von neuem überrascht. Ich bin mit den Kleinsten von fünf bis sieben in „Grupo 1“ und […]
Mi Club Domingo SavioNewbies: 8 People, 4 Continents, 1 Mission
By Jacolien Kisteman VE Volunteer from Zwolle, Netherlands Read the original post in Dutch or click here for the English translation. Op het moment dat ik dit schrijf zit de eerste oriëntatie week bij VE Global er al weer op. Een week die voorbij is gevlogen. Een week die ontzettend gevarieerd, interessant en leuk was, […]
OrientationWhy I Extended my Stay in Chile
By Jessica Wilcox VE Volunteer from Nebraska, USA I arrived in Santiago, Chile in September 2011. Having made the minimum four month commitment with VE, I planned to stay until the middle of January. When that date was approaching, I decided to stay until the end of February. And when February came and went, I […]
Extended Stay, Hogar Fundación PromesaScience is Bakán at Pléyades
By Alex Wynn VE Volunteer from Washington, USA As a volunteer there are a lot of surprises, to say the least, that you receive while working in an hogar. For me, one of the biggest surprises I’ve had during my time at Pléyades has been how much the kids love science! Whether it’s chemistry, biology, […]
Hogar Fundación PléyadesBringing Chile to Maine
Mariah is the Program Director at VE Global. She recently returned from a trip to the USA, where she visited various YMCA summer camps as part of a new Healthy Living partnership with the Cumberland County YMCA of Maine. By Mariah Healy, VE Program Director from Maine, USA On a trip to the U.S. this […]
Liga de DeportesTeaching Tías Infant Massage
By Kristen Calderón VE Assistant Program Director from California, USA. Kristen is the Assistant Program Director at VE Global. Like every VE staff member, she also volunteers one day a week at one of our partner organizations. For the last two months I’ve been volunteering one day a week at Casa de Guaguas and have had […]
Hogar Esperanza - Casa de GuaguasHow Four Months Turned into Eight
By Robin Andrews VE Volunteer from North Carolina, USA When I first started looking into volunteering with VE Global, I remember reading the part that said “four month minimum commitment” and wondering if I would be able to commit for that long. Well, eight months later I realized that four months was simply NOT enough […]
Extended Stay, Hogar San Francisco de RegisJornada: A Rejuvenating Weekend
By Susi McGhee VE Volunteer from Georgia, USA Our long weekend spent in Cajón del Maipo was exactly what I needed. Along with the other VE Volunteers and directors, I took a bus about an hour outside of the city to the foothills of the Andes for my first, and sadly, only Jornada. From the […]