“Me Voy” 3): Yu Jeong (Yoyo) Lee: “from the classroom to the field” 18, South Korean, even if super young she is building a strong international background travelling all around the world Yoyo is one of the international volunteers who joined VE Global on September, after having graduated from college. She is a […]
VE Volunteer Stories
Una Reflexión Hablando Abiertamente y Honestamente – Ksenia Rodriguez
Mi nombre es Ksenia, tengo 18 años y soy voluntaria a largo plazo en VE Global. El pasado mes de septiembre empaqué mis maletas e hice el viaje de 7000 millas de Leicester en el Reino Unido a Santiago de Chile. A la llegada fui entrenada por VE antes de comenzar a trabajar en una […]
An Open and Honest Reflection – Ksenia Rodriguez
My name is Ksenia, I’m 18 years old and I am a long-term volunteer at VE Global. Last September I packed my bags and made the 7000 mile trip from Leicester in the UK to Santiago de Chile. On arrival I was trained by VE before starting work at a ‘Residencia de Protección para Madres […]
My first month at VE Global: On when things go belly up – Kitty Thatcher

It’s been a month and a half since I started working at VE Global, almost half way through my internship already! How time has flown. My main task has been updating VE’s guidelines on how volunteers respond to critical incidents in the childrens homes. Sometimes things don’t go to plan when working with […]
Orgullosa en el festival de arte

He estado en Chile 4 meses trabajando en el Hogar San Francisco de Régis y en poco tiempo tendré que volver a mi país. La experiencia ha sido increíble así que no quiero irme todavía. Me ha encantado trabajar en San Francisco porque la experiencia me ha ayudado a crecer como persona. Tengo muchos recuerdos […]
Jornada: A Time To Relax and Reflect

By Pippa Davies, Development and Communications Intern, September 2015 I have now been working at VE for over six months, and this means that I have had the chance to go to two Jornadas! Any VE antiguo will know that the Jornada weekend is a special one and knowing that this would be […]
How a six-year-old became my role model

By Dorothee Sassin, VE Global Volunteer, September 2015 Read the original post in German below, or scroll down for the English translation. Wie ein Sechsjähriger zu meinem Vorbild wurde Als ich mich vor fünf Monaten zum ersten Mal auf den Weg zur Förderschule Colegio Anakena machte, hatte ich keine Ahnung, was mich hinter dem weißgestrichenen, […]
My Favorite Thing About Chile

By Peter Roth, VE Global Volunteer, September 2015 Recently, I video chatted with my close friend Brianna, who introduced me to VE Global. We could only talk for a moment, and she was so excited to hear all about the kids, VE Global, and my life here in Santiago, that before I knew […]
Festival de Arte: A Trip to Outer Space

By Katie Nykanen, VE Global Volunteer, January 2015 My last theatre production in college was about as close as you can get to creative, artistic bliss. Cast as Celia in As You Like It, I was a senior in an elite theatre department working with an award-winning director, surrounded and supported by a talented cast and […]
The Little Things that Count

Miranda Marean, VE Global Volunteer, January 2015 It’s a common refrain that “it’s the little things in life that count,” but it isn’t often that we see this philosophy in action. Before launching into a full-on explanation about why little things are actually really big things, I’ll tell the story that got me thinking about […]