We are pleased to announce that Flic Jeyes is the new Program Director at VE Global. Flic first began working with VE as a volunteer at Domingo Savio in 2013 and ended up volunteering with the children for six months after extending her stay. After returning to the UK, she came back to Santiago in […]
Welcome to the VE Global Blog!
This blog is open to all those interested in a more intimate look inside how VE Global works both as an organization and as a family of caring volunteers. Check back often for VE Global news and for current volunteers’ thoughts on every aspect of VE: from first impressions of their placement organization, to challenges and successes in running VE programs, to important moments in the lives of the children we serve. If you want more day-to-day information, follow us on social media.
VE Global in Tandem

Over six years ago, Tandem Santiago Language School and VE Global formed a partnership which is still going strong today! For every student who enrolls in classes at Tandem, $2.500 pesos ($US 5) is donated to VE in order to help us continue our work with children at social risk in Santiago. Tandem also offers VE […]
Jornada: A Time To Relax and Reflect

By Pippa Davies, Development and Communications Intern, September 2015 I have now been working at VE for over six months, and this means that I have had the chance to go to two Jornadas! Any VE antiguo will know that the Jornada weekend is a special one and knowing that this would be […]
How a six-year-old became my role model

By Dorothee Sassin, VE Global Volunteer, September 2015 Read the original post in German below, or scroll down for the English translation. Wie ein Sechsjähriger zu meinem Vorbild wurde Als ich mich vor fünf Monaten zum ersten Mal auf den Weg zur Förderschule Colegio Anakena machte, hatte ich keine Ahnung, was mich hinter dem weißgestrichenen, […]
The Power of VE Global Orientation

With our new January volunteers now settling into their work in our partner organizations, it’s the perfect time to reflect on their 10 days of orientation and what it means for the volunteers and their work with the children we support. We welcomed the volunteers to our office at the beginning of January and […]
My Favorite Thing About Chile

By Peter Roth, VE Global Volunteer, September 2015 Recently, I video chatted with my close friend Brianna, who introduced me to VE Global. We could only talk for a moment, and she was so excited to hear all about the kids, VE Global, and my life here in Santiago, that before I knew […]