Over the course of the last six months, RealWorld Holidays, a South American travel agent, has donated to multiple charities in Latin America. Charities such as; the Amazon Charitable Trust, AYNI Project, Carisma Peru, and Iracambi are just a few examples of charities that RealWorld Holidays has donated to. Prior to the launch of RealWorld […]
Welcome to the VE Global Blog!
This blog is open to all those interested in a more intimate look inside how VE Global works both as an organization and as a family of caring volunteers. Check back often for VE Global news and for current volunteers’ thoughts on every aspect of VE: from first impressions of their placement organization, to challenges and successes in running VE programs, to important moments in the lives of the children we serve. If you want more day-to-day information, follow us on social media.
VE’s Volunteers

“Me Voy” 3): Yu Jeong (Yoyo) Lee: “from the classroom to the field” 18, South Korean, even if super young she is building a strong international background travelling all around the world Yoyo is one of the international volunteers who joined VE Global on September, after having graduated from college. She is a […]
Una Reflexión Hablando Abiertamente y Honestamente – Ksenia Rodriguez
Mi nombre es Ksenia, tengo 18 años y soy voluntaria a largo plazo en VE Global. El pasado mes de septiembre empaqué mis maletas e hice el viaje de 7000 millas de Leicester en el Reino Unido a Santiago de Chile. A la llegada fui entrenada por VE antes de comenzar a trabajar en una […]
An Open and Honest Reflection – Ksenia Rodriguez
My name is Ksenia, I’m 18 years old and I am a long-term volunteer at VE Global. Last September I packed my bags and made the 7000 mile trip from Leicester in the UK to Santiago de Chile. On arrival I was trained by VE before starting work at a ‘Residencia de Protección para Madres […]
My first month at VE Global: On when things go belly up – Kitty Thatcher

It’s been a month and a half since I started working at VE Global, almost half way through my internship already! How time has flown. My main task has been updating VE’s guidelines on how volunteers respond to critical incidents in the childrens homes. Sometimes things don’t go to plan when working with […]
Orgullosa en el festival de arte

He estado en Chile 4 meses trabajando en el Hogar San Francisco de Régis y en poco tiempo tendré que volver a mi país. La experiencia ha sido increíble así que no quiero irme todavía. Me ha encantado trabajar en San Francisco porque la experiencia me ha ayudado a crecer como persona. Tengo muchos recuerdos […]